Aims and objectives
i) Educational– Running, maintaining or aiding any educational or other institution forcoaching, guidance, counselling or vocational training or providing individualeducational scholarships to poor, deserving and needy deserving students forprimary and higher education.
To teach and train of boys and girls,young man and young woman in “Scout and Guide” crafts. To arrange/organizeHikes, Trekking programs, Educational tours, Adventure tours etc. and provideconveyance to any person or persons and for places historical/educationalsignificance to improve knowledge and sense of National Integration Camps. Toteach and trained in ‘Arts and Handicrafts’ useful to themselves and serviceuseful to Society.
ii) Medical– To run, maintain or assist any medical institution, nursing home or clinicsor to grant assistance to needy and indigent persons for meeting the cost ofmedical treatment.
iii) Relief of the poor – To give financial or other assistance in kind byway of distribution of books, notebooks, cloths, uniforms, or meals for thepoor and indigent and to the persons suffer due to natural calamities.
iv) Old age and Physically challenged - Establishment, conduct, maintenance of old agehomes, homes for physically challenged men, women and children and persons withsimilar disabilities and also for granting financial assistance to institutionsperforming similar activities.
v) Employment -To create new employment opportunities for all the youth of the societyirrespective of their caste or religion through "Rover Ranger TrainerProject" and "Scout Guide Trainer Project" based on the teammethod given by Sir Lord Baden Powell, the father of Scouting and Guiding.
Other objects of general public utility –
(a) To develop character of boys and girls,man and woman make them good citizen. To promote physical, mental, moral andspiritual development of boys and girls, man and woman. To promote powers ofobserve on self-discipline and self-reliance and to inoculate and develoployalty and patriotism and to promote service to others.
(b) To open conduct, maintain and manageeducational institutions such as Kinder Garden, Pre-primary, Primary, Secondary& Senior Secondary Schools, Junior and Senior Colleges of all faculty,Technical, D-Ed, B-Ed, I.T.I., Ayurvedic, Polytechnic Colleges, EngineeringColleges, Medical Colleges, Laboratories, Libraries, Reading Rooms, Hostel,Boarding Community Hall establish, run supports and Grant Aid or otherassistance to Schools , Colleges, Libraries, Reading Rooms & otheruniversities, Laboratories, Research and other Institutions of the like natureof India, for use of the students and staff and also for the development andadvancement of education and diffusion of knowledge’s amongst the public ingeneral, poor and needy.
(c) To create unity, brotherhood amongstthe General Public.
(d) To acquire property for the sole use ofthe public by making it available for public purposes, for example - a library,clinic, crèche or a community hall to be available for public use as trainingclasses, seminars, discourses and other public functions for benefit of thecommunity in general.
(e) To conduct activities to the protectionand conserving the nature and environment including forests, lakes, rivers,wild life and compassion for living creatures and to improve the feeling inpeople for the same.
(f) To work co-operation with otheragencies with similar aims and objects.
(g) To profess and practice the ‘Promiseand Law’ of Scouting and Guiding Associations and Association.
Toundertake any other activity incidental to the above activities but which arenot inconsistent with the above objects.
NoObject of the Company will be carried out without obtaining prior approval fromthe Concerned Authorities and none of the objects will be carried out oncommercial Basis. No Object of the Company will be carried out withoutobtaining prior approval from the Concerned Authorities and none of the objectswill be carried out on commercial Basis.
(b)Matters which are necessary for furtherance of theobjects specified in clause III (a) are:-
1. To establish, acquire, build, construct,maintain, operate and manage schools, colleges, institutions, hostels,hospitals, clinics, gymnasia, recreation centres, orphanages and libraries forthe purposes of the objects of the Company.
2. To accept donation, grants, presents and otherofferings and to deal with the same lot be purposes of the objects of thecompany.
3. To charge fees for the purposes of impartingtraining as specified in the main object.
4. To provide aid, assistance, and finances toInstitutions, schools, colleges, universities and private bodies establishedInter alia, having similar main objects as mentioned in Clause 3 (1) above.
5. To undertake the corporate social activities ofthe member companies or other companies, approved by the respective CSRCommittees of the respective member companies, or collaborate with othereligible trusts or societies or companies for the furtherance of the mainobject clause of the Company as mentioned in clause 3 (1) above,
6. To undertake Job Work for others in the field oftraining as specified in the main object, against consideration or otherwise.
7. To strive for the maintenance, growth anddevelopment of academic standards and to enter into collaboration agreementwith other public trusts or societies or institutions or companies havingsimilar objectives.
8. To recruit trained or untrained manpower andresource trainers and experts as well as to train or pay for the training ofany member or the company's directors, employees or any other candidate for thefurtherance of the company's objectives.
9. To train and equip the students to beself-supporting in an honourable, ethical and professional manner so as todevelop as good, healthy and progressive citizens and to develop disciplinaryconduct and a habit of acting as law abiding citizens at all times.
10. To help the students in the development oftechnical, managerial and leadership skills and in achieving academicexcellence and brilliance in all fields of life by providing quality educationand infrastructure.
11. To undertake job work for other concerns inrelation to all the areas as speeded in the Main Object of the Company inClause 3 (I) above.
12. To |inculcate in the students a sense ofresponsibility toward self, society and nation and to develop rich moral,social and professional ethics so that they could do Justice to their role as'Nation-Builders'.
13. To generate and promote the opportunities forself-employment among the rural literate, young un-employed by establishingappropriate educational Institutions
14. To establish Deemed University/State University,further establish institutions in various academic disciplines independentlyand/or in collaboration with Or in joint venture Or through tie-ups with otherInstitutions, Universities, Educational Entities and Governments in India andabroad for furtherance of education and learning.
15. To provide equal opportunities for education topeople from all strata of the society by providing concessions, scholarshipsand assistance to meritorious children from poor, needy and deserving families.
16. To establish vocational training centres aimedat empowering men and women of weaker sections of society of any age to becomeself-reliant, reducing their dependence on others.
17. To foster educational opportunity throughscholarships, stipends, grants and financial assistance to poor and deservingcandidates in various fields including inter alia Art, Science, EngineeringTechnology, Management, Medical, paramedical studies in our country and abroadas the Directors think fit.
18. To provide any such kind of education whichmakes the youth physically fit, emotionally balanced, morally uplifted,spiritually awakened, and intellectually enriched. Academically sound,personally adjusted, professionally proficient, socially enlightened,nationally highly sought after and internationally acknowledged.
19. To conduct seminars, impact studies, workshops,research study and awareness campaign on educational policies, statistics,health, legal issues, women and children developmental activities.
20. To conduct programs for continuing education andskill development of adults.
21. To create the means for providing medicalassistance to the people suffering from diseases, especially for helplesspeople and to carry out blood donation camps.
22. To raise funds including by way of borrowings,either secured or unsecured, from banks, financial institutions, or such othersources from within India and abroad, to support the aforementioned objectssubject to necessary approvals.
23. To open and operate accounts of any descriptionwith any bank or banks for the purposes of the Company.
24. To apply and register for grants or obtainrecognitions for the various schemes of Central Government, State Government orMunicipal Corporations of any other Government or other authorities.
25. To represent any section of the society toGovernment or any other authority and to undertake preparation of variousreport to be submitted to Government or other authorities on behalf of thesociety.
26. To carry out the supplementary and complimentaryrole/work related to education, vocational guidance, social security andoccupational health.
27. To apply, accept for the donation fromGovernment, Public and Private Organizations and from Individuals.
28. To coordinate with different authorities and toorganize different schemes, programs, Camps and seminars for attaining the mainobject of the Company.
29. To negotiate and enter into any agreement(s) orarrangements with the state governments, Government of India or any Local orState Governments in India or thy Government of any other state, Country orDominion or with any authorities, local or otherwise, or other persons or firmsor associations or companies in any part of world that may seem conducive tothe Company objects or any of them and to obtain from them any rights. Powersand privileges, licenses, grants and concessions which the company may thinkdesirable to obtain and to carry out, exercise and comply with any sucharrangements, rights, privileges and concessions.
30. To procure the recognition of the Company in orunder the laws of any place within as well as outside India.
31. To give such grants, donations support as may bethought fit for the benefit of the activities of the organization and or anyemployee or ex-employee of the Company and if thought fit charge the amount ofsuch grants to the working expenses of the Company and support any institutionsor fund calculated to benefit employees or ex-employees of the Company.
32. To advance money, either with or withoutsecurity, and generally to help needy persons upon such terms and conditions asthe Company may deem fit.
33. To pay for any property or rights acquired bythe Company.
34. To invest any of the surplus money and funds ofthe Company from time to time.
35. To draw, accept, discount, execute and issuepromissory notes, bills of exchange, bills of lading and other negotiable ortransferable instruments but not to do any banking business as defined In theBanking Regulation Act, 1949, or Insurance Business, as defined in InsuranceAct, 1938.
36. To create any depreciation fund, reserve fund,sinking fund or any other special fund whether for depreciation or forpreparing, improving, extending or maintaining any of the properties of thecompany or for any other purpose conducive to the business and other interestsof the company or for any other purpose conducive to the business and otherinterests of the Company.
37. To run and maintain or procure the establishmentand maintenance of contributory or non- contributory pension, superannuation orany other funds for the benefit of employee and/ or procure the giving ofdonations, gratuities, pension, allowanœ or employment to any persons who areor were at any time in the employment or service of the company or officers ofthe Company and/ or the wives, widows and dependents of any such persons.
38. To pay all the costs, charges and expenses ofand incidental and in relation to the promotion, formation, registration andestablishment of the Company and to incur expenses for the issue of anycirculars or notices and printing and stamping of this Memorandum and theArticles of Association hereto amended and all declarations and forms to befilled up by the Members arrd1or the Directors of the company.
39. To appoint attorneys for and on behalf of theCompany and to execute the necessary power to the said attorneys to act for andin the name of the Company, and to revoke all or any of such powers andappointments as may be deemed expedient.
40. To enter into any arrangement with Government orauthority supreme, municipal, local or any person or company's objects or anyone of them, and to obtain from any such Government, authority, person orcompany any rights, privileges, charters, licenses and concessions which thecompany may deem fit and desirable to obtain.
41. To assist or to guarantee money to charitable,benevolent, scientific, religious or other institutions or any institutionestablished for public purposes and objects, which the Board of Directors thinkare likely to promote interests or the objectives of the company which may ormay not be related to the activities of the company.
42. To lease, exchange, donate or dispose of any ofthe property (ies), assets or undertaking of the company or any part thereofwith or without consideration as the company may deem fit.
43. To enter into partnership or into anyarrangements for sharing surplus, amalgamation, union of interest, reciprocalconcession in or co-operation with any person, partnership or company topromote or aid in promoting, constituting, forming, acquiring and organizingcompanies, partnerships of all kinds for the purpose of acquiring similarestablishments or undertaking any property, and liabilities of this company andto acquire control of other companies or firms carrying on similar activitieswhich are conducive to the activities of this company and also to pay for anyproperties, privileges or rights required by this company.
44. To purchase, acquire In exchange or by way ofgift, construct, take on lease, control, improve, manage, maintain, retain orwork on such immovable or movable property or such rights or interests ofprivileges therein.
45. To do all such other acts and thing as may bedesirable or necessary in the attainment of the objects of the Company.
Provided that the Company shall not support withits funds, or endeavour to impose on, or procure to be observed by, its membersor others any regulations or restriction which, as an object of the Companywould make it a Trade Union.