(1.1) The Membership of the Association in the local/districtassociation is open to citizens of India; who subscribe to the Fundamentals,which include Purpose, Principles, the Methods, the Promise and the Law.
The Promise:-
The Promise for Rovers/Rangers and Scouts/Guides is –
“On myhonour, I promise that I will do my best.
To do myduty to God* and my Country,
To helpothers people at all times and
I will followthe Scout/Guide rules.”
Note:-The word ‘Dharma’ may be substituted for the word ‘God’if so desired.
(1.2) Scout/Guide Law
1. The words of a Scout/Guide aretrustworthy.
2. Scout/Guide is loyal.
3. Scout/Guide considers it theirduty to help others.
4. Scout/Guide is friend ofeveryone and every other Scout/Guide is brother/sister of other Scout/Guide,irrespective of country, caste or religion.
5. Scout/Guide is polite.
6. Scout/Guide is friend of animalsand birds and help in conservation of environment.
7. Scout/Guide is disciplined andobedient.
8. Scout/Guide is brave and remaincheerful even in difficulties.
9. Scout/Guide is thrifty.
10. Scout/Guide is pure in thought,word and deed.
(1.2) The membership of the National Association shall consistof:
Ordinary members of the Academyare only beneficiaries who have joined for getting training in the trainingcourses of the Academy and membership for them will be free but they will notbe special members:-
I) CUBS (+5 to 10 Years old Boys)
II) SCOUTS (+10 to 16 Years old Boys)
III) ROVERS (+16 to 35 Years old Boys/Gentleman)
IV) BULBUL (+5 to 10 Years old Girls)
V) GUIDES ((+10 to 16 Years old Girls)
VI) RANGERS (+16 to 35 Years old Girls/Ladies)
People who are given freeadmission by the National Governing Body for their special services andcontributions. They shall not be life members.
Persons who have been so admittedby the National Governing Body who have paid annual membership fees for alimited period as determined by the National Governing Body from time to time.At present a paid limited time Members shall pay @ Rs. 500/- per annum.His/hers membership shall cease to exist after on expiry of membership feespaid.
The interested person whosubscribes to the Academy as a founder member will be a lifelong member of theAcademy. But he will not be an official of the Academy. The Academy foundermember will be selected by the chief patron.
Those who are admitted as such bythe National Governing Body and has paid Life Membership fees as prescribed bythe National Governing Body time to time. At present a Life Member shall pay @Rs. 11000/- (Eleven Thousand only) at a time. National Governing Body and willelect one delegate for every (20) Life members who will represent for and onbehalf of the 20 Institutional Members in the National Governing Body.
Institutional Membership shall beas under :- Institutions such as Colleges, University, and Industries/Groups ofyouths may be affiliated to this Academy who subscribe to the Aims &Objects of the Academy and pay the annual of affiliations fee @ Rs. 5100/-(five Thousand One Hundred only) per annum or life membership @ Rs. 51000/-(Fifty One Thousand only) at the time or the fees fixed by the NationalGoverning Body from the time to time may enrolled as Institutional Members ofthe Academy by the National Governing Body such Institutions shall berepresented by one representative authorized by the affiliated institutions inNational Governing Body.
WHEREAS, every member who willrepresent in the National Governing Body shall have right to vote in themeeting of National Governing Body, to hold office in the National GoverningBody and in the National Governing Body if nominated for any post in theNational Governing Body and/or in the National Governing Body and shall havethe right to inspect books of accounts and minutes book.
AND WHEREAS every such memberswho represent in the National Governing Body shall also have the right to takepart in seminars, meetings, lectures, discussions, conference and tours of theAcademy.
AND WHEREAS, shall also have theright to use the liberty and to receive ex-gratin copy of publication such asnewsletters, newspapers, magazine, generals etc. brought out by the Academy.
(1.2.7) All the StateAssociations of the Epic India Scouts and Guides Academy.
(1.2.8) All theDistrict Associations of the Epic India Scouts and Guides Academy directlyaffiliated with the National Association.
(1.2I) All theAuxiliary Units directly affiliated with The Epic India Scouts and GuidesAcademy, National Association.
Note: 1.The present "EISGA" Fellows shall be themember of the "EISGA" Foundation.
Note: 2. Life Member of Epic India Scouts and Guides Academymeans the life member of Epic India Scouts and Guides Academy Foundation. TheLife Membership of a Life Member ceases after completing Ten years as LifeMember of National Association and will be treated as Associate Member of the"EISGA" Foundation
Note: 3.There will be no individual membership of NationalAssociation and members in the National Governing Body of The Epic India Scoutsand Guides Academy are either elected, nominated or representative of StateAssociation. Provided, however, the National Governing Body shall have thepower to act not withstanding any vacancy in the membership thereof.
2. Termination of Membership:
(2.1) If any member of any Unit/ Association/ District GoverningBody or State Governing Body/ National Governing Body is found guilty ofcriminal offence, involving moral turpitude, his/her membership shall beterminated and any award/privilege shall be withdrawn.
(2.2) If any member of any Unit/ Association/ District GoverningBody or State Governing Body/ National Governing Body while supporting anyother Organization is found indulging in activities detrimental to theinterests of the Movement or bring disrepute to the Organization by way ofwritings in publications/media or confirmed propaganda against the interests ofthe Movement/Organization shall be liable to be terminated from theorganization provided, due enquiry takes place and due opportunity is given, tothe person(s) to be heard.
(2.3) If any member of any Unit/ Association/ District GoverningBody or State Governing Body/ National Governing Body is found to be a memberof any parallel organization working in the name of Scouting and Guiding or isfound aiding and abetting the activities of such an organization, his/her me membershipof the Epic India Scouts and Guides Academy will be terminated.
(2.4) If the member or office bearer of any association or GoverningBody violates any provision(s) of the Code of Conduct as approved and revisedperiodically by National Board of Directors.